Mail Men Page 41
2Ferris, The House of Northcliffe.
6Multiple articles, Daily Mail Archive, British Library, London, plus Ferris, The House of Northcliffe.
7Taylor, The Great Outsiders.
8The ‘Under the Iron Heel’ series ran for a fortnight in the Daily Mail from 24 September 1897.
9‘Death of Mr Lovat Fraser’, Daily Mail, 21 April 1926.
10Lovat Fraser, ‘Why Should Britain Fight?’, Daily Mail, 27 November 1912.
11Lovat Fraser, ‘A Dream of War in the Air’, Daily Mail, 18 June 1914.
12Tom Clarke, My Northcliffe Diary, Victor Gollancz, 1931. Note: the Daily Mail in its anniversary edition of 2014 stated that the 1914 paper had made a great deal of the assassination but I could find no record of this in the archives at the British Library.
13Daily Mail, 5 August 1914.
14‘The Tragedy of the Shells – Lord Kitchener’s Grave Error’, Daily Mail, 21 May 1915.
15Letter from Northcliffe to Keith Murdoch, 30 September 1915.
16Pound and Harmsworth, Northcliffe.
17History of The Times, The 150th Anniversary and Beyond, 1921–1948, published by The Times, 1952.
18Lord Northcliffe, ‘Lord Northcliffe On the Battlefield of Verdun’, Daily Mail, 6 March 1916.
19Pound and Harmsworth, Northcliffe.
21Clarke, My Northcliffe Diary.
23King, Strictly Personal.
24Lord Northcliffe, ‘Fashioning The New England’, Weekly Dispatch, 10 December 1916.
25‘By the Man Who Dined with the Kaiser – Secret Service Work’, Daily Mail, 28 January 1916.
26Daily Mail, October 1916.
27The Somme 1916 – From Both Sides of the Wire, End Game (Part 3), Peter Barton and BBC TV, 2016.
28Pound and Harmsworth, Northcliffe. Daily communique to the Times staff, 27 February 1917.
29King, Strictly Personal.
30H. G. Wells, ‘Mr Wells and the Monster’, Daily Mail, 24 August 1917.
31Lovat Fraser, ‘Why Prussia Must Pay’, Daily Mail, 23 September 1918.
32Lovat Fraser, ‘The Island of Dreams’, Daily Mail, 1 July 1913.
33‘A Glorious End’, Daily Mail, 12 November 1918.
34Thompson, Northcliffe Press Baron in Politics.
36Taylor, The Great Outsiders.
37‘Mr. Lloyd George Overdoes It’, Daily Mail, 17 April 1919.
38Ferris, The House of Northcliffe.
40Clarke, My Northcliffe Diary.
41Ferris, The House of Northcliffe.
43‘The Scandal of Ronald True’, Daily Mail, 12 June 1922.
44Lord Northcliffe, ‘Incognito in Germany – Why Brussels Should Be Avoided by Tourists Crossing the Frontier’, Daily Mail, 10 June 1922.
45History of the Times, The 150th Anniversary and Beyond, 1921–1948, published by The Times, 1952.
46King, Strictly Personal.
47History of the Times: The 150th Anniversary and Beyond, 1921–1948.
49Pemberton, Lord Northcliffe.
50Ferris, The House of Northcliffe.
53Clarke, My Northcliffe Diary.
54Ferris, The House of Northcliffe.
Chapter 4
1Ferris, The House of Northcliffe, and King, Strictly Personal.
2‘Rothermere’s Son Slain’, New York Times, 20 November 1916.
3‘Death of Lord Rothermere’s Eldest Son’, Observer, 17 February 1918.
4King, Strictly Personal.
5Taylor, The Great Outsiders, and S. J. Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord: Esmond Rothermere and the Daily Mail, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998.
6King, Strictly Personal.
7Ferris, The House of Northcliffe.
8King, Strictly Personal.
9Pound and Harmsworth, Northcliffe.
10‘Daily Mail Shares Kept from Editor,’ New York Times, 1 December 1926.
11King, Strictly Personal, p. 73. Conversion: £1,411,262,580, (Mail-owned) inflation calculator for 1926.
12King, Strictly Personal.
13‘More Light on the Red Letter, How the Daily Mail Got It, Full Statement By Mr. Marlowe’, Observer, 4 March 1928.
14‘Moscow’s Orders’, Daily Mail, 25 October 1924.
15‘More Light on the Red Letter, How the Daily Mail Got It, Full Statement By Mr. Marlowe’, Observer, 4 March 1928.
16Richard Norton-Taylor, ‘Zinoviev letter was dirty trick by MI6’, Guardian, 4 February 1999.
17‘For King and Country’, Daily Mail editorial, 3 May 1926.
18‘Trade Unions and the Daily Mail’, Daily Mail, 4 May 1926, and ‘Focus on Fact – The General Strike’, Daily Mail, 4 May 1976.
19Sarah Bradford, Elizabeth: A Biography of Her Majesty the Queen, Penguin, 2002.
20‘Surrender of the Revolution – TUC Strike Called Off Unconditionally – Victory for the People’, Daily Mail, 13 May 1926.
21‘Editor’s Son Killed’, New York Times, 22 April 1913.
22‘Uncle Shylock’, Daily Mail, 20 July 1926.
23Viscount Rothermere, ‘Britain and the US, An Anglo-American Accord, Essential to World Peace’, Daily Mail, 9 August 1926.
24‘Viscount Rothermere and Mr. Baldwin, Reply to Violent Speech’, Daily Mail, 18 March 1931.
25Viscount Rothermere, ‘Will Wall-St. Swallow Europe?’, Daily Mail, 26 July 1929.
26Audited Bureau of Circulations: circulations, however, are unreliable in this period and mostly rely on ‘T. B. Browne’s Advertiser’s ABC’.
27Peter Lewis, ‘Farewell to this Fleet Street giant’, Daily Mail, 13 July 1978.
28King, Strictly Personal.
29Taylor, The Great Outsiders.
30‘The Late Mr. Thomas Marlowe, 27 Years Editor of Daily Mail’, Daily Mail, 7 December 1935.
Chapter 5
1Taylor, The Great Outsiders.
3King, Strictly Personal.
4Taylor, The Great Outsiders.
7Ferris, The House of Northcliffe.
10‘The Saviours of Italy’, Daily Mail editorial, 19 December 1922.
11Viscount Rothermere, ‘What Europe Owes to Mussolini’, Daily Mail, 17 September 1923.
12‘Mussolini Today, Special Interview By Viscount Rothermere’, Daily Mail, 28 March 1928.
13Viscount Rothermere, ‘Will the Republic Endure?’, Daily Mail, 8 October 1929.
14‘Germany and Inevitability – A Nation Reborn’, by Viscount Rothermere, Munich, Daily Mail, 24 September 1930.
15‘Hitler’s Special Talk to the Daily Mail’, from Our Special Correspondent Rothay Reynolds, Leipzig, Daily Mail, 27 September 1930.
16Viscount Rothermere, ‘My Hitler Article and Its Critics’, Daily Mail, 2 October 1930.
17Neil Tweedie and Peter Day, ‘When Rothermere urged Hitler to invade Romania’, Daily Telegraph, 1 March 2005.
18‘Youth Triumphant’, by Viscount Rothermere, Somewhere in Naziland, Daily Mail, 10 July 1933.
20Ferris, The House of Northcliffe.
21Richard Griffiths, Fellow Travellers of the Right, Oxford University Press, 1983.
26Viscount Rothermere, ‘The Perils of Pinhead Pacifism’, Daily Mail, 17 November 1933.
27Taylor, The Great Outsiders.
30Viscount Rothermere, ‘Hurrah for the Blackshirts!’, Daily Mail, 15 January 1934.
31Griffiths, Fellow Travellers of the Right.
32Viscount Rothermere, ‘Give the Blackshirts a Hel
ping Hand’, Daily Mail, 22 January 1934.
33Ferris, The House of Northcliffe.
34‘Germany on Her Feet Again’, by Viscount Rothermere, Munich, Christmas Eve, Daily Mail, 28 December 1934.
35Viscount Rothermere, ‘Adolf Hitler at Close Range’, Daily Mail, 4 June 1935.
36Viscount Rothermere, ‘Get Together With Germany’, Daily Mail, 13 July 1936.
37Viscount Rothermere, ‘An Anglo-German Pact Means Peace’, Daily Mail, 25 May 1937.
38Viscount Rothermere, ‘Some More Postscripts’, Daily Mail, 20 May 1938.
39Viscount Rothermere, ‘Germany and Inevitability – A Nation Reborn’, Daily Mail, 24 September 1930.
40Viscount Rothermere, ‘The Prisoners of Czecho-Slovakia’, Daily Mail, 12 February 1937.
43Viscount Rothermere, telegram to Adolf Hitler, 1 October 1938; Chris Horrie, Tabloid Nation: The Birth of the Daily Mirror to the Death of the Tabloid, Andre Deutsch, 2003.
44Spartacus Educational website, Stephanie von Hohenlohe, accessed 12 July 2016.
45Griffiths, Fellow Travellers of the Right.
46Neil Tweedie and Peter Day, ‘When Rothermere urged Hitler to invade Romania’, Daily Telegraph, 1 March 2005.
47Viscount Rothermere, ‘Further Postscripts’, Daily Mail, 13 May 1939.
48Viscount Rothermere, ‘Further Postscript’, Daily Mail, 17 June 1939.
Chapter 6
1Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord.
3Dennis Griffiths, Fleet Street: Five Hundred Years of the Press, British Library Publishing Division, 2006.
4‘War’s Greatest Picture: St Paul’s Stands Unharmed in the Midst of the Burning City’, Daily Mail, 13 December 1940.
5‘Chronology of Key Events in the History of the Daily Mail’, Gale Archive.
6Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord.
9David Adams Richards, Lord Beaverbrook, Penguin Canada, 2008, and A. J. P. Taylor, Beaverbrook, Hamish Hamilton, 1972.
111947: Express 3,855,000, Mail 2,076,000. 1939: Express 2,546,000, Mail 1,533,000. 1930: Express 1,693,000, Mail 1,845,000. 1921: Express 579,000, Mail 1,533,000. 1910: Express 400,000, Mail 900,000. Source: ABC.
12S. J. Taylor, An Unlikely Hero: Vere Rothermere and How the Daily Mail Was Saved, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2002.
13Andrew Lycett, Ian Fleming, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1995.
15Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord.
17Time magazine, 5 June 1950.
18The Best of Vincent Mulchrone, a Daily Mail Publication, 1978.
20Vincent Mulchrone, ‘How I got mixed up with these cow kickers’, Daily Mail, 30 July 1966.
22Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord.
24The Best of Vincent Mulchrone by Vincent Mulchrone, Revel Barker, 2008.
25Vincent Mulchrone, ‘This Beatlemania’, Daily Mail, 21 October 1963.
26Daily Mail, 7 January 1967.
27‘Holes in the Road’, Daily Mail, 7 January 1967.
28‘LSD: “I had the feeling of experiencing the birth of the universe”, by Hugh McLeave, Daily Mail Science Correspondent, Daily Mail, 22 April 1966.
29‘Pushers, pills and penalties’, Daily Mail, 3 July 1967.
30Jon Henley, Rupert Murdoch and the battle of Wapping: 25 years on’, Guardian, 27 July 2011.
31Taylor, The Great Outsiders.
32Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord.
Chapter 7
1Viscount Rothermere, Vere Harmsworth, Desert Island Discs, BBC Radio 4, 14 April 1996.
2Lynn Barber, ‘A Lord unto himself’, Observer, 29 June 1997.
3Viscount Rothermere, Vere Harmsworth, Desert Island Discs, BBC Radio 4, 14 April 1996.
4Geoffrey Levy, ‘The Making of a Newspaper Legend’, Daily Mail, 11 June 1998.
5Author interview with Tony Burton, close friend of David English and Daily Mail reporter, 15 November 2014.
6Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord.
8Author interview with Cyril ‘Chris’ Rees, close friend of David English and Daily Mail managing editor, 17 November 2014.
9King, Strictly Personal.
10Author interview with Tony Burton, 15 November 2014.
15Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord.
16Terence Lancaster, ‘Obituary: Sir David English’, Independent, 12 June 1998.
17‘Silly Stunt – Newsmen Off Easy in Mail Theft’, Reuters News Agency, 19 September 1952.
18Author interview with Barry Norman, former Daily Mail showbiz writer and Daily Sketch reporter, 13 November 2014.
19Geoffrey Levy, ‘The Making of a Newspaper Legend’, Daily Mail, 11 June 1998.
20Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord.
21Waxey Gordon, says Wikipedia, ‘was sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment in Alcatraz, where he died of a heart attack on June 24, 1952 . . . In The Waxey Gordon Story, a 1960 episode of The Untouchables, Gordon was played by Nehemiah Persoff.’
22Terence Lancaster, ‘Obituary: Sir David English’, Independent, 12 June 1998.
23Author interview with Tony Burton, 15 November 2014.
26‘My Mentor: Ann Leslie on Sir David English’, Independent, 8 May 2006.
27Jean Rook, The Cowardly Lioness, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1989.
28Author interview with Shirley Conran, creator of Femail and senior Daily Mail executive, 21 November 2014.
31Femail, edited by Shirley Conran, Daily Mail, 29 October 1968.
Chapter 8
1Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord.
2Dacre, ‘The Debt We Journalists Owe Sir David’, Daily Mail, 11 June 1998.
3Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord.
4Noel Barber, ‘Here’s our new man at the top’, Daily Mail, 10 March 1971.
5The New York World, 1 January 1901.
6Author interview with Brian Freemantle, former Daily Mail foreign editor, London, 25 March 2014.
7Taylor, The Reluctant Press Lord, and An Unlikely Hero.
8Taylor, An Unlikely Hero.
9Author interview with Brian Freemantle, 25 March 2014.
10Author interview with Barry Norman, 13 November 2014.
12‘What We Believe’, Daily Mail, Comment, 3 May 1971.
13Author interview with Brian Freemantle, 25 March 2014.
15Michael Leapman, ‘Obituary: Viscount Rothermere’, Independent, 3 September 1998.
16‘Every Woman Needs Her Daily Mail’, Daily Mail, 31 March 1973.
17Author interview with Charlie Whebell, former messenger boy on the Daily Mail, 14 November 2014.
18Author interview with Anthea Disney, former Daily Mail editorial executive and New York bureau chief, 10 January 2014.
19Author interview with Brian Freemantle, 25 March 2014.
20Author interview with Anthea Disney, 10 January 2014.
21Author interview with Brian Freemantle, 25 March 2014.
22Author interview with Anthea Disney, 10 January 2014.
23Terence Lancaster, ‘Obituary: Sir David English’, Independent, 12 June 1998.
24Author interview with Michael Brennan, former Daily Mail and freelance photographer based in Manchester, London and New York City, 15 January 2014.
25Author interview with Charlie Whebell, 14 November 2014.
26‘Thalidomide: The Fifty Year Fight,’ BBC Documentary, 2014.
27Taylor, An Unlikely Hero.
28Author interview with Charlie Whebell, 14 November 2014.
Chapter 9
1‘Ancient British Dishes: No1 . . . Rook Pie’, Daily Mail, 12 May 1972.
2Jean Rook, ‘Introducing a very important lady in your life . . .’ Daily Mail, 5 May 1971.
3Jean Rook, ‘It’s all bang, smash, grab, isn’t it?’, Daily Mail, 12 May 1971.
4Jean Rook, ‘Talking about nuisances, what secretary can’t tell when her boss has had a row with his wife?’, Daily Mail, 9 June 1971.
5Jean Rook, ‘Philip’s pearls of wisdom often drop with a clang’, Daily Mail, 23 June 1971.
6Rook, The Cowardly Lioness.
7Taylor, An Unlikely Hero.
8Lynda Lee-Potter obituary, Daily Telegraph, 21 October 2004.
9‘Tributes to Sir David, a Giant of Journalism’, Daily Mail, 11 June 1998.
10Lynda Lee-Potter, Class Act – How to Beat the British Class System, Metro Books, 2000.
11Lynda Lee-Potter obituary, Independent, 21 October 2004.
12Rod Gilchrist, ‘Obituary letter: How the “she cat” got her claws’, Guardian, 21 October 2004.
13‘Come off it Mrs Thatcher . . . Let’s see you hit back with a bit of the snooty, steel-blue-eyed bitch!’, Daily Mail, 15 December 1971.
14‘Margaret Thatcher talking to Lynda Lee-Potter – The criticism has been vicious. But you build an armour . . . you know it’s untrue’, Daily Mail, 8 February 1972.
15David English, ‘Tony at our table’, Guardian (reprinted from the Spectator), 6 October 1995.
16‘Profile: Hard news man switches channels: Sir David English: The former Daily Mail editor reveals to Jason Nisse that he has lost none of his competitiveness’, Independent on Sunday, 7 November 1993.
17Author interview with Brian Freemantle, former Daily Mail foreign editor, London, 25 March 2014.
18Author interview with Anthea Disney, 10 January 2014.
19‘Tributes to Sir David, a Giant of Journalism’, Daily Mail, 11 June 1998.
20Author interview with Brian Freemantle, 25 March 2014.
21Vincent Mulchrone and Angus MacPherson, ‘Sleeping peacefully and flying to a new life – the waifs of Vietnam’, Daily Mail, 7 April 1975.
22Author interview with Brian Freemantle, 25 March 2014.
Chapter 10
1Ian Mather, ‘The big scoop flop’, Observer, 22 May 1977.
2Taylor, An Unlikely Hero.
3David English, ‘A message from the Editor to you the reader’, Daily Mail, 25 May 1977.